Comment 1 for bug 1577443

Revision history for this message
Alex Farlie (afarlie) wrote :

For rectangular signs the parameters for the script would be something like this...

Parameter 1 - Height (mm) - Height of panel
Parameter 2 - Width(mm) - Width of panel
Parameter 3 - Outer Radius (mm) - How rounded the corners of the rectangle are...

Parameter 4 - Bordered (Yes/No) - Does the panel have a border?
Parameter 4a- Border width - How wide is the border.
Parameter 4b- Inner radius - How rounded are the 'inside' of the border

Paramater 5 - Cancelation bar (Yes.No) - Adds a cancellation bar or strike through to the panel.
Parameter 5a - Bar width (mm) - Width of the cancellation bar
Paramater 5b - Angle (Ideally degrees) of cancellation bar.

Where some parameters are omitted the script should make an intelligent estimate (such as determining an inner radius from the outter radius and border width..)

(Aside: I hope you don't mind me trying to write a poor specfication here.)