Comment 7 for bug 1655321

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Brynn (brynn4inks-deactivatedaccount) wrote :

 > Apart from possibly not even being that "easy", some will consider it bad UI

Oh, I see.

 > (in general dialogs do not scroll, content can scroll in dialogs).

So yes, that is already over my head. I didn't mean to suggest putting in a scrollbar as a serious design or programming suggestion. It's just my simple-minded thought which seems like a simple solution.

I'm sure you're right, that redesigning or reformatting the dialog is better.

Not so many months ago (well, less than a year, I would guess) someone on the mailing list was trying to redesign it, all alone. He (or she, not sure, don't remember) was removing what some thought to be vital functions, just to save space. Ultimately, I think they either changed one small thing, or didn't change anything (I can't remember specifics).

I'll be interested to watch the discussion (assuming it happens on the list) as the redesign is discussed.

I don't mind if you keep it as a duplicate. Whatever you think is best :-)

Thanks again.