Comment 20 for bug 168648

Revision history for this message
John Baer (j.baer) wrote :

The quick fix suggested by "whardier" on 2008-02-21 stopped working under 1024x768 Gnome session. On my Dell Laptop running Hardy Alpha5 (upgraded to Alpha6) changing the icon size as suggested does not seem to change anything.

The only way to operate the product in this environment is to set the upper and lower Gnome menu bars to "auto hide".

- Perhaps one solution would be to have left menu bar dockable. If this menu where moved to the top this issue may go away.

- If the icons where "svg" and scaling is not an issue they could grow/shrink to the available space.

- Last, provide smaller icons [16x16; 22x22; 24x24, 32x32, etc].