Comment 1 for bug 170072

Revision history for this message
Kidproto (kidproto) wrote :

Need animation (timeline support to start with)
Hi guys,

Sodipodi has really come a long way and is definitely
usable for creating static 2D vector graphics.

Adding in some form of timeline support, so that even basic
animation can be added, will hopefully start to appear in
near-future versions as it would very much get a lot more
people interested in working (and developing) Sodipodi.

Of all the potential-to-be-the-next-Flash-MX applications in
the Open Source Software world, Sodipodi appears to be in
the lead.

And really, I hope it takes this next step (sooner rather than
later too).


Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

( NOTE: originally in sodipodi RFE tracker as # 726951 ,
Date Submitted: 2003-04-24 08:09 )