Comment 2 for bug 170116

Revision history for this message
Andyfitz-users (andyfitz-users) wrote :

** taken from jabber chatroom logs on 22nd of april 2004 ***

 node is selected > text field becomes active displaying
xy cords > properties modified > node moved >

(11:33:19) bbyak: my idea is this: when more than one node
selected, the field is blank, but still editable; you can
enter any value into it, and when you do, all selected nodes
are aligned at this coordinate
(11:33:38) bbyak: i.e. if you enter x=5, selected nodes are
aligned at this x, y remains unchanged
(11:34:06) bbyak: and when all selected nodes have the same
value of one of the coords, it _is_ displayed in the field
(11:34:20) bbyak: gives you a wat to align nodes
(11:34:52) bbyak: a way
(11:35:16) BrisGeek: hey thats a great idea bbyak. and the
perfect way to align selected nodes to the one dimension
(11:35:30) bbyak: when one node is selected, of course both
coords are displayed, and work as expected to move it
(11:35:51) bbyak: all that remains is to code it