Comment 3 for bug 171731

Revision history for this message
Horkana-users (horkana-users) wrote :

Originator: NO

> so i'd say there's plenty of merit to this feature and maybe it should
be bumped in priority.

merit is one thing but I mark priority to give users a sense of how likely
a feature is to be implemented and unfortunately no matter how popular
features might be they are less likely to be implemented if not part of the
SVG specification, or part of a documented standard. Also I have no way of
knowing if anyone who makes anonymous reports will read responses to their
request and such a minimal level of commitment makes me extremely reluctant
to spend much time investigating the request if users themselves do not
seem particularly interested. I also have no way of knowing if both
comments are from the same "nobody".

having said that I believe Bryce has an interest in Celtic designs and I
do too so I dont in any way disagree with the artist merit of this request,
hopefully that alone will be enough to inspire a developer to implement
some feature.

if you know of other programs that offer something along the lines of what
you are requesting then it would certainly be helpful to provide more
information and especially screenshots of how others do things (I haven't
heard of any program like that but I figured I should ask).