Comment 6 for bug 172182

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Shriramana Sharma (jamadagni) wrote :

Hello. I think this is a very useful feature, but I have different (somewhat more detailed) ideas for it than jdhenry above. I would like to be able to click on a control point (or multiple one), and the toolbar should show:

X [ ] Y [ ] len [ ] ang [ ]

or something like that, where X Y are the rectangular coordinates of the control point (as per the internal SVG spec) and the len and ang are the length of the handle (distance of control point from node) and its angle (which are both only calculable from the rectangular coordinates).

I suppose both approaches could be provided as they do not conflict, but I leave it to the devels to decide which of the two it will be. I personally think it would be useful to be able to select multiple control points and make them all have the same angle, but I suppose one could just select multiple nodes give them all the same incoming angle. Whichever of the two would be better, please add it! Thank you for all your great work!