Comment 0 for bug 1756371

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LiliCharlie (ruland) wrote :

Inkview 0.92.2/0.92.3 won't start when there are non-ANSI/non-Windows-1252 (>1byte) characters in filenames (like Vietnamese "tập_tin.svg", Russian "файл.svg", Chinese "文件.svg" etc.). It works as expected as soon as the files are renamed to ANSI/Windows-1252-only names (like "tâp_tin.svg", "fajl.svg", "wénjiàn.svg" etc.).

InkSCAPE opens and writes them without problems, so this is an Inkview-only or Inkview-still bug. Files in question validate successfully as SVG 1.1 on

This bug continues to persist if Windows' active code page is set to 65001 (UTF-8) or to 65000 (UTF-7) using the "chcp" command.

See also "win xp: inkview fails on non-ascii filenames" which seems to have been solved for non-ANSI/non-Windows-1252 characters only. On my system none of the three workarounds proposed by Eduard Braun in comment 15 ( makes Inkview start.