Comment 28 for bug 263166

Revision history for this message
Joel Östblom (joel-ostblom) wrote :

This issue is still impairing the experience with the otherwise excellent calligraphy tool in Inkscape 0.92.

I agree with Ben Sparks in that, aside from OneNote, Inkscape really is the best option for taking handwritten notes. It is certainly the best I have come across that is open source and compatible with Linux. It is unfortunate that the calligraphy tool does not support dotting, since the handwriting experience is noticeably limited by the lack of this functionality.

As suggested previously in this bug report, I believe the addition of an option to toggle the creation of dots/short path, would be a vital addition to make the Calligraphy tool work more like the physical instrument it is named after and therefore bring it more in line with the functionality expected from its users. When this option is enabled, it could watch for the same conditions as the error message `Failed to create path: invalid data in dc->cal1 or dc->cal2` and create a small stroke/circle instead of printing the error message (possibly with an additional conditional statement to only include this behavior for short stroke lengths, if necessary).

In addition to the five duplicate bugs, this forum discussion ( also stems from the unintuitive behavior of the calligraphy tool for short strokes.