Comment 6 for bug 293940

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Mads Boserup Lauritsen (madsbola) wrote :

Hi Alvin

Thx for the quick reply. It works with the file for the stable 0.46 version of Inkscape (Sorry I forgot to mension, I´m running windows XP, if it has any interest...)

I have tried to import the attached files.

The first has the error as described below, while the two others can be imported, but with some issues.

The file "floorplans_test_inkscape.dxf" is a multiple layered floorplan drawing and it gives the following error

"Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\extensions\", line 181, in <module>


  File "C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\extensions\", line 40, in export_MTEXT

    node.text = vals[groups['1']][0]

  File "etree.pyx", line 652, in etree._Element.text.__set__

  File "apihelpers.pxi", line 321, in etree._setNodeText

  File "apihelpers.pxi", line 558, in etree._utf8

AssertionError: All strings must be Unicode or ASCII"

Maybe it is to complex for this preliminary test of the dxf-import? It has around 3000 entities..

The two other files was imported without any errors, though they do not shows lines, if these where in blocks in Autocad, eq. doors etc. The format is autocad 2000/lt2000 dxf

The first file floorplans_test_inkscape_simple_test01.dxf is with blocks.
The second file floorplans_test_inkscape_simple_test02.dxf is the same drawing but exploded blocks.

Both can be imported, but the first lacks several lines (those in blocks and hatches) while the latter both shows the exploded blocks and hatches.

Regarding scaling the imported dxf-files, the first one is imported and placed in a "far-out" x,y coordinate, while the latter is situated close to the page coordinates. (Are there a way to implement a scaling factor while importing?)

I hope you can use my feedback in a constructive way, It looks very promising. If there are any specific issues you would like to have tested please let me know.

Best regards,

Mads Boserup Lauritsen, Denmark