I've just had a similar problem with saving as .xcf. From the junk_from_gimp.txt file in /tmp/tmpwudXWH/ the problem stems from this png file which doesn't seem to get created:
(#<error PROCEDURE 134> ("Procedure execution of file-png-load failed: Could not open '/tmp/tmpwudXWH/text4233.png' for reading: No such file or directory"))
This corresponds to an empty text tag in XML that Inkscape created. I found this at the very end of my svg file:
Using a text editor I removed that snippet from the XML and I can now save as .xcf without problem.
What's annoying is that Inkscape (version 0.48.0 r9654) created this text object that I could neither see nor select. I created this svg document in Inkscape. At some point my document did have some text in it, but long before saving I had deleted it. Since Inkscape had no problem exporting other similar documents as .xcf, I tried methodically deconstructing this document eliminating layers and objects until I had nothing left, and even then saving as .xcf would fail. So the bug is really that Inkscape left this empty <text> tag which I couldn't select using "Select All in All Layers".
I've just had a similar problem with saving as .xcf. From the junk_from_gimp.txt file in /tmp/tmpwudXWH/ the problem stems from this png file which doesn't seem to get created:
(#<error PROCEDURE 134> ("Procedure execution of file-png-load failed: Could not open '/tmp/tmpwudXWH /text4233. png' for reading: No such file or directory"))
This corresponds to an empty text tag in XML that Inkscape created. I found this at the very end of my svg file:
<text space=" preserve" "font-size: 40px;font- style:normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: bold;font- stretch: normal; text-align: start;line- height: 125%;letter- spacing: 0px;word- spacing: 0px;writing- mode:lr- tb;text- anchor: start;fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1;stroke: none;font- family: Droid Sans;-inkscape- font-specificat ion:Droid Sans Bold" linespacing= "125%"> <tspan
sodipodi: role="line"
y="62.890442" /></text>
Using a text editor I removed that snippet from the XML and I can now save as .xcf without problem.
What's annoying is that Inkscape (version 0.48.0 r9654) created this text object that I could neither see nor select. I created this svg document in Inkscape. At some point my document did have some text in it, but long before saving I had deleted it. Since Inkscape had no problem exporting other similar documents as .xcf, I tried methodically deconstructing this document eliminating layers and objects until I had nothing left, and even then saving as .xcf would fail. So the bug is really that Inkscape left this empty <text> tag which I couldn't select using "Select All in All Layers".