Comment 6 for bug 655048

Revision history for this message
wilfriedh (w-hennings) wrote :

Exporting from file "655048-page27-OOo-cleaned.svg" results in correctly placed and correctly aligned text, but text font is reverted to Times and text size is much smaller than in the original.

I experience more (probably unrelated) problems:

On WinXP:
When exporting to wmf I get the error message "uniconvertor failed" and a zero size file, depending on the output filename chosen. E.g. uniconvertor fails with "655048-page27-OOo-cleaned.wmf" and "655048-page27-OOo.wmf" but succeds with "655048-page27-OO.wmf"
The emf export works regardless of the filename.
Exporting "655048-page27-OOo-cleaned.sk1" works, and externally calling Uniconvertor on this file works, too.

On Vista: the export always fails and Vista issues the message "python has stopped working".

Should I issue separate bug reports for these problems, and also for the incorrectly unrotated characters in emf?