Comment 2 for bug 1958866

Revision history for this message
Sachin Mokashi (sachinmokashi) wrote :

OpenVINO Validation Steps:

Please install Openvino on the Lookout Canyon Ubuntu image and execute both C++ and Python benchmarking application on that image as follows

Please see the attached work logs for more details.

• For the python benchmarking application, install the Openvino runtime and development packages from and

Below are the steps taken to run the benchmark app:
1. Create a virtual environment to avoid dependency conflicts. You can skip this step only if you do want to install all dependencies globally.
-python3 -m venv openvino_env
-source openvino_env/bin/activate

2. Set Up and Update PIP to the Highest Version
-python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

3. Install openvino runtime packages
-pip3 install openvino==2022.1.0.dev20220131
-run “python -c "from openvino.runtime import Core"” to verify that the runtime package is properly installed, you will not see any error messages.

4. Install openvino development packages
-pip3 install openvino-dev[caffee,kaldi,mxnet,onnx,pytorch,tensorflow2]==2022.1.0.dev20220131
-run “mo -h” to verify that the developer package is properly installed, you will see the help message for Model Optimizer.

5. Use omz_downloader to download the model file from online source.
-omz_downloader --name alexnet

6. Use omz_converter to converts the models that are not in the Inference Engine IR format into that format.
-omz_converter --name alexnet --precision FP32

7. Run the python benchmark app
-benchmark_app -m ./public/alexnet/FP32/alexnet.xml

• For C++ benchmarking application, follow the steps provided:

C++ benchmarking application can be installed from apt as described at Then still do pip installation from above and get models
cd /opt/intel/openvino_<VERSION>/samples/cpp # this is for 2022.1, use openvino_<VERSION>/inference_engine/samples/cpp for 2021.4
cd ~/inference_engine_samples_build
./benchmark_app -m /path/to/converted/model # should be /tmp/public/alexnet/FP32/alexnet.xml here