Comment 2 for bug 1423036

Revision history for this message
Ian Booth (wallyworld) wrote :

The issue originally was that packaging metadata for debs in the precise cloud archive was incorrect. This has now been fixed (I looked at the cloud archive repo to be sure). I can deploy a precise AWS environment just fine (see below). Note the line:

Installing package: cloud-image-utils

This was what broken previously before the upstream packaging change.

I looked at the log from a failed CI run
and see this line:

The following packages will be REMOVED:
  cloud-init cloud-initramfs-growroot cloud-utils

This implies that a stale mirror is being used for retrieving the cloud archive packages. The above is what happens when debs without the correct metadata are used.

Can we confirm that the issue is not due to a stale apt mirror?

juju bootstrap --show-log
2015-02-18 03:13:25 INFO juju.cmd supercommand.go:37 running juju [1.22-beta4-utopic-amd64 gc]
2015-02-18 03:13:25 INFO juju.provider.ec2 provider.go:35 opening environment "amazon"
2015-02-18 03:13:31 INFO network.go:114 setting prefer-ipv6 to false
Bootstrapping environment "amazon"
2015-02-18 03:13:37 INFO tools.go:86 reading tools with major.minor version 1.22
Starting new instance for initial state server
Launching instance
2015-02-18 03:14:21 INFO juju.provider.ec2 environ.go:509 "us-east-1a" is constrained, trying another availability zone
2015-02-18 03:14:23 INFO juju.provider.ec2 environ.go:509 "us-east-1b" is constrained, trying another availability zone
2015-02-18 03:14:26 INFO juju.provider.ec2 environ.go:525 started instance "i-3425a1ce" in "us-east-1c"
 - i-3425a1ce
2015-02-18 03:14:36 INFO juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:178 newest version: 1.22-beta3
2015-02-18 03:14:36 WARNING juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:201 failed to find 1.22-beta4 tools, will attempt to use 1.22-beta3
2015-02-18 03:14:36 INFO juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:206 picked bootstrap tools version: 1.22-beta3
Installing Juju agent on bootstrap instance
Waiting for address
Attempting to connect to
Attempting to connect to
Logging to /var/log/cloud-init-output.log on remote host
Installing add-apt-repository
Adding apt repository: deb precise-updates/cloud-tools main
Running apt-get update
Running apt-get upgrade
Installing package: curl
Installing package: cpu-checker
Installing package: bridge-utils
Installing package: rsyslog-gnutls
Installing package: cloud-image-utils
Fetching tools: curl -sSfw 'tools from %{url_effective} downloaded: HTTP %{http_code}; time %{time_total}s; size %{size_download} bytes; speed %{speed_download} bytes/s ' --retry 10 -o $bin/tools.tar.gz <[]>
Bootstrapping Juju machine agent
Starting Juju machine agent (jujud-machine-0)
Bootstrap complete
2015-02-18 03:20:43 INFO juju.api api.go:502 new API addresses to cache []
2015-02-18 03:20:43 INFO juju.cmd supercommand.go:417 command finished

$ juju deploy mysql
Added charm "cs:precise/mysql-51" to the environment.

$ juju status
environment: amazon
    agent-state: started
    agent-version: 1.22-beta3
    instance-id: i-3425a1ce
    instance-state: running
    series: precise
    hardware: arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 cpu-power=100 mem=1740M root-disk=8192M availability-zone=us-east-1c
    state-server-member-status: has-vote
    agent-state: started
    agent-version: 1.22-beta3
    instance-id: i-029d25ed
    instance-state: running
    series: precise
    hardware: arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 cpu-power=100 mem=1740M root-disk=8192M availability-zone=us-east-1d
    charm: cs:precise/mysql-51
    exposed: false
      - mysql
        agent-state: installing
        agent-version: 1.22-beta3
        machine: "1"