Comment 14 for bug 1473069

Revision history for this message
Darryl Weaver (dweaver) wrote :

I have confirmed that in 1.25.0 if you add additional NICs in the lxc template and it deploys a container with multiple NICs initially, then the IP address selected is not consistent with the rest of the deployment.

If however, the containers are deployed first with only 1 NIC and then left for a period of time and then additional NICs configured on existing LXC containers and rebooted, then the address does not appear to change in Juju.

I think my previous test was done too quickly and so some containers flipped the address to the other network.

It would still be useful for juju to stick to one network (or space) that all units use to communicate on the private address which is not publicly routed and it be deterministic as to which addresses are preferred and not dependent on the order coming from various tools, such as lxc-ls.