Comment 1 for bug 1612826

Revision history for this message
Ignatious Johnson Christopher (ijohnson-x) wrote :

workaround with fab commands to be executed post 'fab setup_all'

FAB_NODE # fab -R openstack -- "openstack-config --set keystone_authtoken insecure True"
FAB_NODE # fab -R openstack -- "openstack-config --set clients_keystone insecure True"
FAB_NODE # fab -R openstack -- "openstack-config --set clients_neutron insecure True"
FAB_NODE # fab -R openstack -- "openstack-config --set clients_contrail use_ssl True"

followed by,

If config and openstack are same nodes:
FAB_NODE # fab -R openstack -- "usermod -a -G contrail heat"

If config and openstack are different nodes:
FAB_NODE # fab -R openstack -- "mkdir -p /etc/contrail/ssl/certs"
FAB_NODE # fab -R openstack tasks.helpers.copy:/etc/contrail/vnc_api_lib.ini,/etc/contrail/
FAB_NODE # fab -R openstack tasks.helpers.copy:/etc/contrail/ssl/certs,/etc/contrail/sslFAB_NODE FAB_NODE # fab -R openstack -- "chown -R heat:heat /etc/contrail"