Comment 2 for bug 1786860

Revision history for this message
Senthilnathan Murugappan (msenthil) wrote :

msenthil [23:18]
@sanju multicloud does create contrail_config.yml which is fed to contrail-ansible-deployer. contrail_config.yml was not created properly hence ansible-deployer doesnt populate the values correct so vrouter-agent fails to comes up…
Assuming i have two computes in two different subnets in onprem, one being and other and i have respective .254 as gateways i dont have an option to set vrouter_gateway per subnet/instance either in topology.yml or common.yml

sanju [23:41]
@msenthil - We do not support provisioning computes onprem. That has to be with contrail-ansible-deployer (contrail-fabric use case).
contrail-multi-cloud only extends the cluster provisioned and managed by contrail-fabric to the public cloud

msenthil [23:43]
yup but we still need to provide those computes in topology.yml with provision set to false and those computes are also subject to deploy.yml hence the vrouter-gateway gets reset

sanju [23:46]
with the provison set to false, it should not do anything on those..

msenthil [23:46]
deploy.yml still does try to deploy those nodes
you may refer the generated inventory and contrail_config at

sanju [23:48]
I will look at it, with provision set to false it should not do anything.
The functionality for gateway var was introduced for the onprem GW only
There are other things that we need to consider if contrail-multi-cloud needs support autogeneration for onprem roles (other than GW)