Comment 0 for bug 352000

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Jonathan Lange (jml) wrote : "Mark as duplicate" javascript error is too hard to read

I love the new "Mark as duplicate" AJAX stuff -- it makes triage much easier. Yesterday though, I got a rather frustrating bug. Here's how to reproduce it:

  1. File a bug (let's call it A)
  2. File another bug B.
  3. Mark A as a duplicate of B
  4. File bug C
  5. Mark B as a duplicate of C
  6. *boom*

The error message contains text that says that one can't mark a bug as being a duplicate if it has duplicates. Whether or not this is a good idea is separate from this bug report, the bug here is that the content & display of the error are unhelpful.

  * It's just a big block of red text, with no line breaks.
  * It's a Python traceback

I've attached a screenshot. Since the bug and the traceback are both private, I'm marking this bug private.