Comment 14 for bug 1732703

Revision history for this message
Andres Rodriguez (andreserl) wrote :

FWIW, this is currently affecting customers who are running MAAS and require livepatch.

Comments #11 and #12 above confirm that the patch is enough for the MAAS needs. Whichever way MAAS decides to check for systemd is up to MAAS and that is not a reason to block an SRU provided that it does not impact any other piece of software. That said, this patch does not does not introduce a regression to MAAS nor any other software.

Lastly, this patch is *only* for 1.9 as this code path is only available in Trusty, so upgrades to later Ubuntu releases will yield on using a newer version of MAAS that doesn't rely on this code path.

That said, there's no supported way in Ubuntu that will symlink /sbin/init -> /lib/systemd/systemd , provided that systemd-sysv is *only* available in Xenial, and again, upgrades to Xenial will result in MAAS not using this codepath at all.