Comment 24 for bug 373083

Revision history for this message
Barry Warsaw (barry) wrote :

I'm sorry, I'm finally catching up on this thread and I may be missing something important. This is only for the case where header and footer is appended to the main body, and not attached via MIME, right? When attached via MIME, it's always going to do the right thing, correct?

If so, then I think we're going about this the wrong way, and I'm quite concerned about changing this behavior in MM2.1.

Most mailing lists won't care, which I think is evidenced by the fact that this behavior has been working this way, largely successfully for a long time. Some mailing lists care a lot though, so I would rather see an option which tells the mailing list to /always/ attach via MIME any headers and footers. The only reason it isn't done in this way in the first place is because it confuses some people in some MUAs which won't show those attachments inline. Those people will not be able to see the header and footers and won't know to expand the attachments to see them. But I think for the few lists that really care about this, that's an okay trade-off because the list owner can inform people about what's going on.

ISTM a much simpler patch for MM2.1 would be to add "always attach" as a list option. Then, if and when the default charsets are changed in MM2.2 (and probably also 3.0), we can readdress whether "always attach" is the right default and whether we really need "add by append" at all.