Comment 1 for bug 1642103

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Roman Podoliaka (rpodolyaka) wrote :

>>> That approach should be extended to all services that utilize oslo_service

My understanding is that oslo_service part of the problem is actually fixed and now we need to make eventlet use a monotonic clock everywhere. The main thing we are interested in is probably Hub class:

But it's initialized implicitly when used in OpenStack:

thus, we'll probably need to patch eventlet directly. I took a quick look at module and looks like using of a monotonic clock there must be fine, as we are not really interested in time value itself, but only in differences between two given points of time.

But there are more usages of time.time() in eventlet - - we'll need to check those as well.

I don't think this is suitable for a stable release, though. This must be thoroughly tested in our current development branches first.