Comment 3 for bug 1408198

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Stephen Lyons (slysven) wrote :

Actually it is closely related. Turns out that the logic for taking 13 off of the x value to account for the un-selectable characters that are taken by the timestamp is flawed. The boolean that controls this - controlled by the timestamp control button only relates to the main console. However both the separate debug console and the errors window in the trigger editor have time stamps turned on ALL THE TIME so if the user does NOT have timestamps enabled, clicks in those windows will Seg. Fault (from using negative indexes on the TBuffer QList structures) - but if timestamps are on - the problem does not manifest.

It should be easy to logic OR the timestamp control I just referred to with the mIsDebugConsole to take care of the problem for the separate debug window, but I haven't yet determined how to detect if the TTextEdit instance is attached to the trigger editor's "errors" widget.

As this causes terminal Seg. Faults in the current beta I feel I must raise this to critical - but if someone with a better understanding of the TConsole/TTextEdit infrastructure can find out the way to detect the "errors" window we should be able to fix it quickly.