Comment 2 for bug 730142

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jahvascriptmaniac (jahvascriptmaniac) wrote :


> I personally would expect the second option to be the default and not the current behaviour.

Actually, I think the first option (always count hidden files) should be the default.

If that wasn't the case, one might have some space used by hidden files and wouldn't have even a hint that something is hidden somewhere. Also, when copying a folder, say, to a USB pen drive, those hidden files are copied, even if hidden files aren't displayed. So somebody using right-click → properties to calculate how much stuff he/she could put on the drive would be mislead.

Also, it is the default in every other file manager I have ever seen (and I have used a lot, from Thunar to MSExplore), so the principle of least astonishment should apply here.

What I have seen in some file managers, and IMO it's the best option, is the following display (I think this is the way Thunar does it, but I can't remember for sure) :

Content : 1234 files (2Gb), including 178 hidden elements (15Mb).

That way, there's no ambiguity, the user knows the exact weight of the folder, and has a hint that he/she can't se a portion of it. And it really keeps things simple (nothing is hidden to the user, no «bad surprises»).
