Given there doesn't seem much interest in fixing this from the network manager angle (and there's even a question as to whether that's the right place to fix this), I'm going to take a leaf out of the RaspiOS book, and see if I can persuade someone that the installer is the right place to fix this (or more specifically, the new installer, subiquity).
That's not going to do anything for lunar which won't be using subiquity on the raspi images, so I'll hold off on adding the project to the "affected" list until lunar's out, but it should be something I can try and push for in the m-animal cycle.
@jgneff many thanks for the additional report -- it's extremely useful to have stuff like this I can point to and say "look! It's actually a problem!"
Given there doesn't seem much interest in fixing this from the network manager angle (and there's even a question as to whether that's the right place to fix this), I'm going to take a leaf out of the RaspiOS book, and see if I can persuade someone that the installer is the right place to fix this (or more specifically, the new installer, subiquity).
That's not going to do anything for lunar which won't be using subiquity on the raspi images, so I'll hold off on adding the project to the "affected" list until lunar's out, but it should be something I can try and push for in the m-animal cycle.
@jgneff many thanks for the additional report -- it's extremely useful to have stuff like this I can point to and say "look! It's actually a problem!"