Comment 0 for bug 1732428

Revision history for this message
Kalle Happonen (kalle-happonen) wrote :

If you unshelve instances on compute nodes that use qcow2 backed instances, the instance image_ref will point to the original image the VM was lauched from. The base file for /var/lib/nova/instances/uuid/disk will be the snapshot which was used for shelving. This causes errors with e.g. resizes and migrations.

Steps to reproduce/what happens:
Have at least 2 compute nodes configured with the standard qcow2 backed images.

1) Launch an instance.
2) Shelve the instance. In the background this should in practice create a flattened snapshot of the VM.

3) Unshelve the instance. The instance will boot on one of the compute nodes. The /var/lib/nova/instances/uuid/disk should now have the snapshot as its base file. The instance metadata still claims that the image_ref is the original image which the VM was launched from, not the snapshot.

4) Resize/migrate the instance. /var/lib/nova/instances/uuid/disk should be copied to the other compute node. If you resize to an image with the same size disk, go to 5), if you resize to flavor with a larger disk, it probably causes an error here when it tries to grow the disk.

5a) If the instance was running: When nova tries to start the VM, it will copy the original base image to the new compute node, not the snapshot base image. The instance can't boot, since it doesn't find its actual base file, and it goes to an ERROR state.

5b) If the instance was shutdown: You can confirm the resize, but the VM won't start. The snapshot base file may be removed from the source machine causing dataloss.

What should have happened:
Either the instance image_ref should be updated to the snapshot image, or the snapshot image should be rebased to the original image, or is should force a raw only image after unshelve, or something else you smart people come up with.

RDO Neutron with KVM

rpm -qa |grep nova