Comment 8 for bug 1798688

Revision history for this message
Matt Riedemann (mriedem) wrote :

What's also strange is that the scheduler logs say we're doing a doubled-up allocation on the same host:

Nov 06 19:48:36.969356 ubuntu-xenial-inap-mtl01-0000379614 nova-scheduler[12154]: DEBUG [None req-f266a0ff-2840-413d-9877-4500e61512f5 tempest-ServersNegativeTestJSON-477704048 tempest-ServersNegativeTestJSON-477704048] Doubling-up allocation_request for move operation. {{(pid=13677) _move_operation_alloc_request /opt/stack/nova/nova/scheduler/client/}}

But I'm not sure why because this is an unshelve operation of a shelved offloaded server, which shouldn't have any other allocations.