If we do nothing for ubiquity-dm, the background issue will be introduced after unity-settings-daemon is patched.
This is why the background issue is not mentioned in the beginning.
- pulling 'feh' from universe/graphics is bad if we can find out other solution to fix the background issue.
- disabling the background usage of unity-settings-daemon / gnome-settings-daemon is bad if we can fix the background issue of u-s-d/g-s-d that uses libgnome-desktop to render the background, and, so far as I know, GNOME doesn't maintain this way to render the background for HiDPI. GNOME desktop use GNOME shell service to render the background now so GNOME desktop works fine.
- using above to "fix ubiquity wallpaper" is bad, but I can not find a better solution so far.
There are also some other issues, such as the abnormal position of indicator applets, the randomly abnormal size changing of the ubiquity window content, and the randomly abnormal position of the ubiquity window.
The window manager that ubiquity-dm used is metacity instead compiz so there are also some issues here for HiDPI.
If possible, I hope Desktop team can put more resources to fix HiDPI issues in ubiquity/unity-greeter/unity-settings-daemon directly.
If we do nothing for ubiquity-dm, the background issue will be introduced after unity-settings- daemon is patched.
This is why the background issue is not mentioned in the beginning.
- pulling 'feh' from universe/graphics is bad if we can find out other solution to fix the background issue. daemon / gnome-settings- daemon is bad if we can fix the background issue of u-s-d/g-s-d that uses libgnome-desktop to render the background, and, so far as I know, GNOME doesn't maintain this way to render the background for HiDPI. GNOME desktop use GNOME shell service to render the background now so GNOME desktop works fine.
- disabling the background usage of unity-settings-
- using above to "fix ubiquity wallpaper" is bad, but I can not find a better solution so far.
There are also some other issues, such as the abnormal position of indicator applets, the randomly abnormal size changing of the ubiquity window content, and the randomly abnormal position of the ubiquity window.
The window manager that ubiquity-dm used is metacity instead compiz so there are also some issues here for HiDPI.
If possible, I hope Desktop team can put more resources to fix HiDPI issues in ubiquity/ unity-greeter/ unity-settings- daemon directly.