Comment 16 for bug 1204123

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Jason Stephenson (jstephenson) wrote :

Not a complaint or report of a problem, just a point for discussion.

When I have my server configured to require --localhost with osrf_control, and I run a restart command without --loclahost, I get the following:

 osrf_control --restart --service opensrf.settings
* sending TERM signal to pid=7631 opensrf.settings
* opensrf.settings is not configured to run on

So, the service stops, but fails to restart of course.

I did the above on purpose to see what would happen, because I'm sure someone will eventually do it by accident. I wonder if we should spend the time to protect the user from his/herself by not stopping a service unless it is configured to start with the current host name or localhost (if --localhost is provided)?

Just a question, and I'm perfectly happy with the answer being no, but thought I'd throw it out there.