Comment 0 for bug 1600468

Revision history for this message
Ian Y. Choi (ianychoi) wrote : [Training guides] Re-organization of image name structure

The following images files are designed for illustrating Training guides
: image00~image49 (extension: png or jpg)
: openstack-arch-havana-logical-v1.jpg
: openstack-training-example-image.png
: openstack-training-remote-content-not-available.png

(Note that some of them were for icehouse, which is too old.)

The problem is that it is so difficult to manage images with Training guides contents.

I would like to re-organize the structure of image names like
"[training-guide type]-[section number]-[incremental number]-[description].[image file extension]".

For example, "associate-01-01-heartbeats.png" means
"the first image in Associate guide section 01, explaining heartbeats, and image type is png".