Comment 0 for bug 1758422

Revision history for this message
Todd Levi (televi) wrote :

After the update to requirements.txt in 4.35.0, oslo.db now ultimately requires unittest2 due to it including testresources. However, unittest2 won't build using current python build tools (this has been reported in multiple locations over a number of years and has not been fixed). The oldest report I found is here:

This means it is no longer build oslo.db's required wheels from source using the supplied requirements, i.e. it is no longer possible to follow the methods here: to successfully build oslo.db and its requirements into a single tarball for later distribution.

Specifically, the following now fails:

1) create a virtual environment for python 3.5 (or 3.6) and activate
2) install current pip, setuptools, and wheel packages
3) Checkout oslo.db at tag 4.35.0
4) Run the pip wheel --global-option build_ext --wheel-dir=dist -r requirements.txt


The wheel build will fail at unittest2.

Expected results:

The wheel build will succeed and all required wheels for oslo.db will be in dist.