Comment 86 for bug 574910

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Alexandre Bourget (wackysalut) wrote :

Hello folks,

just want to clarify, this might shed some light on my problem so I'm sharing it here.

My Lucid system was in fact upgraded from a Karmic install on EC2, so the kernel that is running there is 2.6.31-302-ec2, the one distributed with Karmic. All the system was upgraded to Lucid, but the kernel is unchanged. I don't know if that could cause those types of problems, but to be of any help to the community, I guess I'd need to test an upgrade.

Also, I don't see a lot of threads elsewhere discussing this lucid kernel intermittent problem, so it probably is related to something specific (of that particular EC2 instance or host, or installation or software configuration).

I'll post updates when I do upgrade to a Lucid kernel with the Lucid software stack, when I have time.

thank you all