Comment 6 for bug 706486

Revision history for this message
Cris Dywan (kalikiana) wrote :

Landroni, this is a nice find. Sergey, could you have a look at using the DBus API? If we could use the fdo API I think that would be great.

My installed gnome-keyring 2.32.1-1 provides it:

$ org.freedesktop.secrets
I org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable
 M Introspect (out s data)
I org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties
 M Get (in s interface, in s propname, out v value)
 M Set (in s interface, in s propname, in v value)
 M GetAll (in s interface, out a{sv} props)
I org.freedesktop.Secrets.Service
 M OpenSession (in s algorithm, in v input, out v output, out o result)
 M CreateCollection (in a{sv} props, out o collection, out o prompt)
 M SearchItems (in a{ss} attributes, out ao unlocked, out ao locked)
 M Unlock (in ao objects, out ao unlocked, out o prompt)
 M Lock (in ao objects, out ao locked, out o Prompt)
 M GetSecrets (in ao items, in o session, out a{o(oayay)} secrets)
 M ReadAlias (in s name, out o collection)
 M SetAlias (in s name, in o collection)
 S CollectionCreated (o collection)
 S CollectionDeleted (o collection)
 S CollectionChanged (o collection)
 P Collections (ao, read)