Comment 0 for bug 581854

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Leovega (leooviedo) wrote :

I am using Power Email RC with python2.6 in openERP Sever 5.0.10
When I try to check outgoing Connection, this error is showed:
"SMTP Server Login Error An error occurred : character mapping must return integer, None or unicode "

Not always, I tried with two email accounts with a work and the other is not

It's a problem with python2.6.

I fixed writing in :

def out_connection(self, cr, uid, ids, context={}):
                    if serv.has_extn('AUTH') or rec.smtpuname or rec.smtppass:
                        serv.login(rec.smtpuname.encode('utf-8'), rec.smtppass.encode('utf-8'))