Comment 5 for bug 645862

Revision history for this message
Jim Nelson (yorba-jim) wrote :

(1) Tag categories are something we want to have in Shotwell by way of heirarchical tagging: This is a heavily requested feature and something we'd like to get done soon. When we get that implemented we should also update the F-Spot importer to utilize them.

(2) Using the right mouse button to add a tag -- I suspect you mean a submenu in the context menu that lists all tags that can be selected. This is possible, but when the list of tags grows it will become unwieldy. Note that you can assign a tag to a photo by dragging it onto the tag in the sidebar.

(3) It's possible the photos that were marked 5 stars (but were not 5 stars in F-Spot) have rating metadata embedded in them from another source, in which case Shotwell respects that. You can verify this by installing the exiv2 command line tool (if it's not already):

$ sudo apt-get install exiv2

and then running this command on one of the files:

$ exiv2 -pa <filename>

If you see an Xmp.xmp.Rating, Iptc.Application2.Urgency, or Xmp.photoshop.Urgency listed as 5, that would explain it.

(4) The F-Spot importer should convert hidden photos to Shotwell's Rejected rating, which is hidden by default. If you type Ctrl+0, do you still see them? What version of F-Spot are you upgrading from?

(5) Some users in the past complained that the raw filename was not very useful to them (especially for photos coming off a camera as DSC0003.JPG). Shotwell will display the filename in the Basic Information pane if no title has been set, otherwise it displays the title. You can also display the title by choosing View -> Titles.

-- Jim