Comment 3 for bug 1582469

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Gustavo Niemeyer (niemeyer) wrote :

Sorry, I take back the part of removing cleaning. It's actually nice to be able to clean things up and see how it looks without that specific part on that specific phase. Sort of amazing, actually, that we're able to see the stage area undone, for example.

So, as another strawman proposal I suggest we use the terms "undo" and "redo" for navigating these concepts, with the following command lines:

Current behavior remains the same, ignoring phases if already done:

    snapcraft stage [<part>]

New language for what today is "snapcraft clean [<part>] --step=stage".

    snapcraft stage [<part>] --undo

New behavior, forces the staging phase alone to be undone and redone while previous phases are reused if cached:

    snapcraft stage [<part>] --redo

How does that feel?