Comment 3 for bug 1952500

Revision history for this message
Tao Wang (twang2218) wrote :

I checked the 'progress/ansimeter.go', it is used the number of `rune`, rather than calculate the real width.

 rpercent := []rune(percent)
 rspeed := []rune(speed)
 rtimeleft := []rune(timeleft)
 msg := make([]rune, 0, col)
 // XXX: assuming terminal can display `col` number of runes
 msg = append(msg, norm(col-len(rpercent)-len(rspeed)-len(rtimeleft), p.label)...)
 msg = append(msg, rpercent...)
 msg = append(msg, rspeed...)
 msg = append(msg, rtimeleft...)
 i := int(current * float64(col) /
 fmt.Fprint(stdout, "\r", enterReverseMode, string(msg[:i]), exitAttributeMode, string(msg[i:]))

As a reference, here is how project 'schollz/progressbar' calculating the width:

 // get the amount of runes in the string instead of the
 // character count of the string, as some runes span multiple characters.
 // see
 stringWidth := runewidth.StringWidth(cleanString)
 return stringWidth

it use `` to calculate the width.