Comment 7 for bug 2002835

Revision history for this message
Jon Seager (jnsgruk) wrote :

I also just ran into this as part of an exception raised by craft-providers:

jon@thor in  ~/parca-scrape-target-operator  main
❯ charmcraft pack --verbose
Starting charmcraft version 2.1.0.dev0+unknown
Logging execution to '/home/jon/.local/state/charmcraft/log/charmcraft-20230125-130010.005914.log'
Packing the charm.
Launching environment to pack for base name='ubuntu' channel='22.04' architectures=['amd64'] (may take a while the first time but it's reusable)
Deprecated: Parameter 'use_snapshots' is deprecated. Use parameter 'use_base_instance' instead.
Checking for instance 'charmcraft-parca-scrape-target-14920-0-0-amd64' in project 'charmcraft' in remote 'local'
Instance exists and is not running. Starting instance.
charmcraft internal error: LXDError(brief='Failed to hold snap refreshes.\n* Command that failed: \'lxc --project charmcraft exec local:charmcraft-parca-scrape-target-14920-0-0-amd64 -- env PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin CHARMCRAFT_MANAGED_MODE=1 snap set system refresh.hold=2023-01-26T13:00:13.587872Z\'\n* Command exit code: 1\n* Command standard error output: b\'error: cannot perform the following tasks:\\n- Run configure hook of "core" snap (run hook "configure": cannot load apparmor profiles: exit status 1\\napparmor_parser output:\\nCache read/write disabled: interface file missing. (Kernel needs AppArmor 2.4 compatibility patch.)\\nWarning: unable to find a suitable fs in /proc/mounts, is it mounted?\\nUse --subdomainfs to override.\\n)\\n\'', details=None, resolution=None)
Full execution log: '/home/jon/.local/state/charmcraft/log/charmcraft-20230125-130010.005914.log'