Comment 6 for bug 1293945

Revision history for this message
Takashi Kajinami (kajinamit) wrote :

> Although I didn't notice is_deleted() call might return True when the db file path does not exist,
> I still believe swift should keep current semantics because 404 of account server means
> specified account HAVE BEEN DELETED.
I understand and agree with your idea that account server should return 404
if it has deleted account db file.

However, I still believe account server should not return 404 when db file is "missed,"
because this 404 for missing account causes following situation, for example.

 Client puts account to swift cluster and gets 201, but the greater part of them are put at handoff devices
 because of temporary overload.
 Client puts container to the account and gets 404, because the greater part of container severs
 get 404 from account-server because missing file and return 404 to proxy server.

In this situation, account is NOT deleted and still exists at handoff devices,
but client cannot put container to the account.