Comment 0 for bug 797823

Revision history for this message
zweiblum (zb-lp) wrote :

After having uploaded about 200mb from my syncany folder to a remote (ssh) location and restarting syncany, it produces a lot of download traffic (about 250kb/s, nearly all the bandwidth of my DSL connection) and some cpu activity.

$ uname -a
Linux jo-notebook 2.6.38-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Jun 6 22:49:29 CEST 2011 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU M 620 @ 2.67GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_22"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.10.2) (ArchLinux-6.b22_1.10.2-1-x86_64)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 19.0-b09, mixed mode)

$ python --version
Python 3.2

Syncany is repeating the following terminal output:

FO : 4. No local changes. Skipping step upload.
11-06-15 12:49:03 | jo-notebook | RemoteWatcher | RemoteWatcher | INFO : DONE WITH PERIODIC UPDATE CHECK ...
11-06-15 12:49:06 | jo-notebook | RemoteWatcher | RemoteWatcher | INFO : STARTING PERIODIC UPDATE CHECK ...
11-06-15 12:49:07 | jo-notebook | PythonScript | TrayServRead | INFO : time 1308156547.44 - last req 1308156543.01 > timeout 6
11-06-15 12:49:08 | jo-notebook | LinuxNativeClient | NativeNOPThread | INFO : Connected to native server on port 50,023
11-06-15 12:49:08 | jo-notebook | LinuxNativeClient | NativeNOPThread | INFO : Sent request {"request":"NopRequest"}. Waiting for response ...
11-06-15 12:49:08 | jo-notebook | PythonScript | TrayServRead | INFO : Client connected.
11-06-15 12:49:08 | jo-notebook | PythonScript | TrayServRead | INFO : Received request: {"request":"NopRequest"}
11-06-15 12:49:08 | jo-notebook | LinuxNativeClient | NativeNOPThread | INFO : Received response: null
11-06-15 12:49:08 | jo-notebook | PythonScript | TrayServRead | INFO : Doing nothing. That's what I do best :-)
11-06-15 12:49:08 | jo-notebook | PythonScript | TrayServRead | INFO : Sending response: OK
11-06-15 12:49:12 | jo-notebook | PythonScript | TrayServRead | INFO : time 1308156552.45 - last req 1308156548.01 > timeout 6
11-06-15 12:49:12 | jo-notebook | RemoteWatcher | RemoteWatcher | INFO : repository has not changed locally. No need to upload.
11-06-15 12:49:12 | jo-notebook | RemoteWatcher | RemoteWatcher | INFO : 2. Downloading update lists ...
11-06-15 12:49:12 | jo-notebook | RemoteWatcher | RemoteWatcher | INFO : 3a. Analyzing updates & looking for conflicts ...
11-06-15 12:49:12 | jo-notebook | RemoteWatcher | RemoteWatcher | INFO : 3b. Updating client DB entries ...
11-06-15 12:49:12 | jo-notebook | RemoteWatcher | RemoteWatcher | INFO : 4. No local changes. Skipping step upload.
11-06-15 12:49:13 | jo-notebook | LinuxNativeClient | NativeNOPThread | INFO : Connected to native server on port 50,023
11-06-15 12:49:13 | jo-notebook | PythonScript | TrayServRead | INFO : Client connected.
11-06-15 12:49:13 | jo-notebook | LinuxNativeClient | NativeNOPThread | INFO : Sent request {"request":"NopRequest"}. Waiting for response ...
11-06-15 12:49:13 | jo-notebook | PythonScript | TrayServRead | INFO : Received request: {"request":"NopRequest"}
11-06-15 12:49:13 | jo-notebook | LinuxNativeClient | NativeNOPThread | INFO : Received response: null
11-06-15 12:49:13 | jo-notebook | PythonScript | TrayServRead | INFO : Doing nothing. That's what I do best :-)
11-06-15 12:49:13 | jo-notebook | PythonScript | TrayServRead | INFO : Sending response: OK
11-06-15 12:49:13 | jo-notebook | RemoteWatcher | RemoteWatcher | INFO : DONE WITH PERIODIC UPDATE CHECK ...
11-06-15 12:49:16 | jo-notebook | RemoteWatcher | RemoteWatcher | INFO : STARTING PERIODIC UPDATE CHECK ...