Comment 7 for bug 1693248

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sean mooney (sean-k-mooney) wrote :

@ian that may be possible depending on your choice of nic.
niantic an fortvile dont support this today if the forwarding mechanisum is l3 based
but it should be possible to use the flow director apis via the vfd to do mac based forwarding
to another host e.g. rewrited mac to remote back and tx to phyical networks assuming they are on the same l2 segment.

other vendors nics if they can supprot vxlan or other l3 protocol encap may be able to support the
full richness of the TaaS API but i have to admit i am not versed in what it enables our our competitors product stacks enough to know what the constraints are.

with nics getting smarter future nics could supprot more of the api but in the interim it would also be posibly to use flow director in the nic to mirror the traffic to a speficis queue on the pf that would be read by the vfd which would internally forward the packet as requested by the TaaS api.
the VFD is runing as a dpdk primary application and contols the phyical function via a dpdk PDM so while currently id dose not preform traffic forwording it could if it chose to do so in this case to facilitate inter host tap as a service fuctionality.