Comment 0 for bug 1304059

Revision history for this message
David Britton (dpb) wrote : missing branch config in tarmac.conf yields confusing behavior

If you run tarmac like this:

tarmac -v -d lp:~user/project/branch

But tarmac thinks the branch is "lp:project" (the bzr_identity), you get confusing results. Branches get landed without any settings applied to them. Like the 'verify_command', bugresolver, commit message plugins, all don't load and pass happily appear to succeed (without doing anything).

It's even worse if the 'BRANCH_URL' is unspecified on the command line and multiple branches are used in the config, since then you can get the case where you think your config is correct (tarmac is attempting to land that branch), but it can't read any of the config settings.