Comment 5 for bug 788626

Revision history for this message
Ronny Ager-Wick (ronny-ager-wick) wrote :

I have a temporary workaround until this issue is fixed. It seems indeed that it occurs on encrypted home directories, so the solution is to move the files away from that. Note that the files you move away from your encrypted home directory are (obviously) no longer encrypted...

Anyway, this worked for me (execute in terminal):

# 1. exit Transmission (properly exit)
killall transmission
ps aux | grep transmission | grep -v grep # should yield nothing

# 2. move the resume directory (where transmission keeps the resume files) to a non-encrypted directory:
mv ~/.config/transmission/resume /tmp/transmission-resume

# 3. make a symbolic link from the original location to the new one:
ln -s /tmp/transmission-resume ~/.config/transmission/resume

Obviously, it's also a good idea to *save* these files with long file names in a non-encrypted directory.