Comment 1 for bug 1987644

Revision history for this message
Cristian Le (lecris) wrote :

Also a spinoff issue of this, which I do not know where the find the component responsible of, is that when a network has all `name`, `name_lower` and `service_net_map_replace` specified, the ipa hostname is not well constructed, and it does not take into account `dns_domain`. E.g.:
# network_data.yaml
- dns_domain: my-external.overcloud.lab
   name: External
   name_lower: overclouda_external
   service_net_map_replace: external
     overclouda_external_subnet: {...}
# overcloud_baremetal_deployment.yaml
- name: Controller
  count: 1
        - overclouda_external
      - network: ctlplane
        vif: true
      - network: overclouda_external
      - network: overclouda_internal_api
      - network: overclouda_storage_mgmt
      - network: overclouda_storage
      - network: overclouda_tenant
    profile: controller
  hostname_format: controller-%index%
Then the hosts being generated in freeipa are like:
instead of the hostname that is used for freeipa services like `<email address hidden>`:
But actually the correct behaviour would have been to be: