Comment 6 for bug 1639602

Revision history for this message
yoyoma2 (sinbad-4273) wrote :

Using only flashback compiz in description below...

I'm experiencing this bug on 16.04.6 LTS which was upgraded from 14.04 LTS. The problem doesn't occur on another 16.04.6 LTS system which was directly installed (not upgraded). The non-upgraded 16.04 LTS starts notify-osd and the upgraded one starts notification-daemon. In a startup application script on the upgraded system, the following (hack) commands fixes the notifications.

killall notification-daemon
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/notify-osd &

How can I cleanly start notify-osd instead of notification-daemon on the upgraded 16.04?

Note that the gsettings key "notifications" does exist in "org.gnome.gnome-flashback" on either system.

Also the file "/usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service" is identical on both systems and should start notify-osd.