Comment 46 for bug 574910

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John Johansen (jjohansen) wrote :


thanks for your comments and understanding, I am not going to speak particularly to tarnished image or how ready the 10.04 LTS was, I think those are some what relative. I can completely understand that bugs can be a W T F moment, and cause sever problems for some of our users. The fact is that bugs happen and there needs to be a balance between stability and new features even for an LTS. Going into Lucid (or any other release for that matter) we have to choose a kernel months in advance of its release, and we use that kernel across all our flavours. For Lucid a 2.6.32 base was chosen as it has been designated as a stable release kernel in the linux kernel community. This allows Lucid to leverage those improvements as the kernel community at large find and fix bugs. We strive to do the best we can and overall Lucid has been an improvement in many ways and for many people. With that said Lucid has bugs and so do all of our releases, some of the bugs we see don't show up until very late or until users point them out.