Comment 18 for bug 292042

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Ambricka (petter-ambricka) wrote :

I made some investigations yesterday, not a mediaboard or a dinovo, but anyway a logitech Dell-branded keyboard.
As I've read somewhere earlier, the hidd-workaround stopped working some time...
Sure enough, I couldn't get the hidd-thing to work, but I noticed in the xorg-log that it tried to attach my keyboard as a touchpad. There's no touchpad, and of course it failed.
However, the keyboard has a couple of "mouse buttons", for next/previous web page and so on.
Fine, I removed xserver-xorg-input-synaptic and tried hidd again, voila! Working bluetooth keyboard.
However, the connection seems to die every now and then, timeout or something, and doesn't automatically reconnect.

PS3 running jaunty.
Tried the very same keyboard on a jaunty/i386, and it instantly worked after pairing via the wizard.

/var/log/syslog with 'buetoothd -d' attached, and a couple of connection attempts with my keyboard.