Comment 0 for bug 1468663

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Bartosz Kosiorek (gang65) wrote : [Convergence] Run Calculator app in landscape(scientific) mode, when run on Windowed mode

According to Calculator meeting with James, when run on Desktop, it should run in Scientific/ Landscape Mode

More details about:

15:11 <gang6> My idea was to run calc in landscape mode for windows mode
15:12 <popey> I agree, it should be default landscape and a specific width
15:12 <JMulholland> sounds like the right move to me gang6

So during run calculator on Desktop/ Windowed mode it should run in Landscape/Scientific mode.

The question how calculator should behave during run, while:
- connect mouse to phone
- connect keyboard to phone
- connect monitor to phone
- disconnect mouse from phone
- disconnect keyboard from phone
- disconnect monitor from phone