Comment 4 for bug 1385770

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GarrettSocling (garrettsocling) wrote :

I can confirm that using QasMixer to adjust the configuration settings fixes the incorrect default configuration. It looks like Ubuntu configuration ships by default to send audio on this sound card to the front ports (if they exist), rather than the rear ports (that always exist), and then does not provide a clear path to the relevant configuration setting. Installing QasMixer allows easy GUI access to the necessary configuration settings.

This is just my intuition, but it appears to be a bug within the default "Sound" panel under "Settings": the Input tab correctly lists both the back and front panel microphones, but the Output tab only lists the back panel speakers (which actually aren't the back panel speaker jacks, but instead sends the audio to the front panel jack, as revealed by QasMixer). I may be entirely incorrect, perhaps it's a driver issue!

Hope that helps someone? If I knew anything about programming, I'd take things apart and look myself. Since I don't, I figure I'd add as much detail as I could imagine would be useful in order to help someone else get up to speed on the issue. If anyone has any questions or problems, I've subscribed to this bug report and will (eventually) respond to requests for more information.