Comment 2 for bug 496095

Revision history for this message
Sebastian Heinlein (glatzor) wrote :

The log from dpkg-reconfigure after the unix backend has been selected:

debconf (developer): <---- 0 ok
debconf (db configdb): trying to getfield(libpam-runtime/profiles template) ..
debconf (db configdb): getfield done by config
debconf (db configdb): trying to variables(libpam-runtime/profiles) ..
debconf (db configdb): variables done by config
debconf (db configdb): trying to getvariable(libpam-runtime/profiles profiles) ..
debconf (db configdb): getvariable done by config
debconf (db configdb): trying to getfield(libpam-runtime/profiles template) ..
debconf (db configdb): getfield done by config
debconf (db configdb): trying to getfield(libpam-runtime/profiles template) ..
debconf (db configdb): getfield done by config
debconf (developer): ----> GET libpam-runtime/profiles
debconf (developer): <---- 0 unix
debconf (db configdb): trying to getfield(libpam-runtime/profiles template) ..
debconf (db configdb): getfield done by config
debconf (db configdb): trying to variables(libpam-runtime/profiles) ..
debconf (db configdb): variables done by config
debconf (db configdb): trying to getvariable(libpam-runtime/profiles profiles) ..
debconf (db configdb): getvariable done by config
debconf (db configdb): trying to getfield(libpam-runtime/profiles template) ..
debconf (db configdb): getfield done by config
debconf (db configdb): trying to getfield(libpam-runtime/profiles template) ..
debconf (db configdb): getfield done by config
debconf (db configdb): trying to variables(libpam-runtime/profiles) ..
debconf (db configdb): variables done by config
debconf (db configdb): trying to getvariable(libpam-runtime/profiles profile_names) ..
debconf (db configdb): getvariable done by config
debconf (db configdb): trying to getfield(libpam-runtime/profiles template) ..
debconf (db configdb): getfield done by config
debconf (developer): Input value, "unix" not found in C choices! This should never happen. Perhaps the templates were incorrectly localized.
debconf (developer): Got "unix" for libpam-runtime/profiles
debconf (db configdb): trying to setfield(libpam-runtime/profiles value ) ..
debconf (db configdb): passing to config ..
debconf (developer): --> 0 ok