Comment 0 for bug 1453576

Revision history for this message
darkgallium (darkgallium-deactivatedaccount) wrote :


Firstly sorry for my english, as i'm french and student I'm definitly not a good speaker (and writer),
I'm using chrome and chromium on ubuntu and when I change my apt:// url handler from software-center to apturl via this xdg command "xdg-mime default apturl.desktop x-scheme-handler/apt" when i test it on any apt:// link on chrome or chromium, it shows an error (partially traduced in french which i wrote for u in english) :

"invalid url apt://gimp/
invalid package name gimp/"

I believe there is something with the ending slash which let the program crash.

I've found after some tries a temporary fix. I've modified my /usr/bin/apturl file and i've changed this line : "elif [ -x /usr/bin/apturl-gtk ]; then apturl-gtk $@" to "elif [ -x /usr/bin/apturl-gtk ]; then apturl-gtk ${@%/}" so that it removes the ending slash.

Don't know if you should use my own fix or if you should let the program accept an ending slash,

